Get Your Raised Beds Prepped for Spring!

It’s time to build and fill your raised beds!

Did you know the best time to start your garden beds is in the fall? It truly is! Building and preparing raised garden beds in the fall allows them to settle over the winter, and be ready for maximum production in the spring. Spring-filled beds are okay, but many will have issues retaining water until the soil properly settles and becomes structured.

The NorthEndOrganicNursery has bulk organic garden soil, topsoil, and compost to get your garden going! Delivery available, starting at just $35, for up to 4 yards of soil or compost, or bring your own truck or trailer and take it home today! BTW, our organic garden soil is awesome . . . nutritionally rich and pH balanced, just right for garden veggies. Delivery available Tuesday – Saturday.

We also have some really neat bed building kits and are happy to help you figure out the best situation for you!