Fruit Tree Pruning and Care

Learn the proper technique and time frames to prune your fruit trees and edible shrubs, along with fertilization and pest/ disease control. This is a very educational class if you are planning on growing fruit trees and edible shrubs & berries. Part of class will be outside if weather permits.

Call 389-4769 to register!

Seed Starting and Organic Garden Planning

Learn what seeds need to be started indoors, and best practices for success and timing. Also, learn how to plan your garden for what you will want to grow this season, and factors you need to consider such as: soil, sun, site selection, fertility, timing and organic practices.
Free in-person and simultaneous online stream on our Facebook page.
You MUST RSVP by calling 208-389-4769 to attend in person. Thank you!!

Your Fall Pollinator Garden

Learn how to best prepare your garden for the winter so it provides shelter for the pollinating insects that call it home!
Part one of the class will meet at North End Organic Nursery to talk about how you can best put your plants to bed. Part two will be an optional garden tour!
The event is free, but you must register to attend. See website link below.

Houseplant Heroes!

Houseplants make our indoor environments better in so many ways! They clean air, provide oxygen, and have proven psychological benefits. However, we hear way too often that people love houseplants but can’t keep them alive. We will walk you through which houseplants are best for different situations, the top performers for indoor air purification, and best practices to make anyone a successful houseplant parent! FREE
Class size will be limited to 25 attendees.
TO SIGN UP please call 208-389-4769
Class will also be live-streamed on Facebook.

Houseplant Heroes!

Houseplants make our indoor environments better in so many ways! They clean air, provide oxygen, and have proven psychological benefits. However, we hear way too often that people love houseplants but can’t keep them alive. We will walk you through which houseplants are best for different situations, the top performers for indoor air purification, and best practices to make anyone a successful houseplant parent! FREE
Class size will be limited to 25 attendees.
TO SIGN UP please call 208-389-4769
Class will also be live-streamed on Facebook.

Who Needs Space? Your Best Garden Ever in Containers!

Renting? Limited on space? Don’t want to consume your entire garden space up with a few plants? Learn which plants do better in containers, and how you can maximize any space you might have, to grow more than you would imagine you could in containers!
Free Class.
Class size will be limited to 30 attendees. Please call 208-389-4769 to reserve your spot! Class will also be live-streamed on Facebook.

Fall Veggie Gardening in the Treasure Valley

Fall is my favorite gardening season. As the temperatures cool, veggies we may have struggled with during an unpredictable spring, become much easier to grow.
We will be covering how and what to grow in cool Fall months, to maximize harvest this year. Including site selection, appropriate plants and season extension techniques.
Free Class. Class size limited to 30 attendees. Please call 208-389-4769 to reserve your spot!
Class will also be Live Streamed on Facebook!

Who Needs Space? Your Best Garden Ever in Containers!

Renting? Limited on space? Don’t want to consume your entire garden space up with a few plants? Learn which plants do better in containers, and how you can maximize any space you might have, to grow more than you would imagine you could in containers!
Free Class.
Class size will be limited to 30 attendees. Please call 208-389-4769 to reserve your spot! Class will also be live-streamed on Facebook.

Fall Veggie Gardening in the Treasure Valley

Fall is my favorite gardening season. As the temperatures cool, veggies we may have struggled with during an unpredictable spring, become much easier to grow.
We will be covering how and what to grow in cool Fall months, to maximize harvest this year. Including site selection, appropriate plants and season extension techniques.
Free Class. Class size limited to 30 attendees. Please call 208-389-4769 to reserve your spot!
Class will also be Live Streamed on Facebook!